Monday, March 06, 2006

Tips Intips

Tips Memilih Nama Domain
dikutip dari : komputek magazine
Meskipun tampaknya sederhana, memilih nama domain bisa menimbulkan masalah tersendiri. Apalagi jika nama yang terpilih terlalu sulit untuk diingat calon pengunjung situs Anda. Timbang sana, timbang sini. Jangan bingung!

Berikut adalah 4 kategori utama yang berguna yang biasa digunakan sebagai panduan dalam memilih nama domain yang baik :

1. Pendek

Sebuah nama domain yang baik harus pendek, semakin pendek semakin baik. Artinya bisa diucapkan dalam satu tarikan nafas. Baru-baru ini membeli nama seharga US$ 450.000, merupakan harga yang sangat mahal. Namun, nama juga bisa merupakan investasi berharga, sebab nama domain dapat juga berarti identitas Anda atau perusahaan Anda. Nama yang pendek lebih baik, mengingat dua alasan: dapat diucapkan tanpa kesalahan dan mudah diingat.

2. Mudah Diingat

Tidak semua yang pendek gampang diingat. Misalnya nama domain yang merupakan singkatan dari Citra Bakti Computer Pratama, sangat sulit untuk mengingatnya. Memang nama pendek, tapi tidak semua orang mampu mengingatnya. Bila Anda IBM, gunakanlah nama tersebut sebagai nama domain Anda. Daripada cbcp, sebaiknya gunakan, agar lebih mudah diingat dan tetap mengandung arti.

3. Berhubungan dengan Bisnis Utama Anda atau Nama Bisnis

Nama domain yang baik adalah nama yang bisa ditebak. Ketika ingin mengetahui alamat situs organisasi Focus on the Family, masukkan saja Nama domain core-nya adalah, tapi kita bisa juga menemukannya cukup dengan memasukkan nama organisasinya saja. Sebagai contoh lainnya adalah menggunakan nama, untuk web site bagi organisasi pramuka Indonesia.

4. Sulit untuk Salah Dieja

Kriteria yang keempat adalah sulit bagi orang untuk salah mengejanya. Anda akan terkejut mengetahui begitu banyaknya nama domain yang sangat sulit dieja hanya dengan mendengarnya secara oral.

Anggaplah kebanyakan orang adalah pengeja yang buruk. Sebagian yang lain adalah pengetik yang buruk. Maka sangat dianjurkan Anda memiliki nama domain yang pendek, mudah diingat logis dan mudah dieja. Sebagai contoh: Nama ini sesuai dengan kriteria 3, karena memang menggambarkan perusahaan elektronik di Roseville, California. Tapi huruf "e" dobel di tengah nama, akan membuat bingung banyak orang.

Tapi, bagaimana yang telah kehilangan akal karena beberapa nama bagus telah dimiliki orang lain diperlukan kiat-kiat kreatif tersendiri diantaranya mengkombinasikan kata d engan akhiran-akhiran sehingga menjadi sebuah rangkaian yang tidak kalah bagus. Tim

Friday, March 03, 2006



Jakarta, this is the place where I stay now, I have spent my last 2 years time from year 2004 till now living and bet my life here.... do you know jakarta is so interesting place... please come

Jakarta is the port of entry for many tourists and business people. It is home to a dynamic contrast between Western-style skyscrapers, modern urban life-styles and traditional Indonesian culture. It’s rapid growth into a metropolitan city reflects the economic, political, social and industrial development of the nation. In recent years, Jakarta has expanded its facilities for visitors with luxury hotels, fine restaurants, exciting nightlife and modern shopping centers. It contains many tourists attractions such as Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (Beautiful ‘Indonesia in Miniature’ Park), restored colonial period buildings, island resorts in the Pula Seribu (Thousand Island), and an extensive beach recreation complex called Ancol.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

LAMPUNG...... (Traveling to Lampung)

Traveling to My Hometown

I just want to share about my hometown, it is Lampung. actually my ancestors not come from Lampung. but Lampung is the city where I was born and spend my childhood time growing there...

Lampung is strategically located and easily accessible, particularly from Jakarta. Bandar Lampung, its capital, was formerly two separate towns, Tanjungkarang and Telukbetung. In the course of development these towns have spread out to one an other to become one single city. Lampung has its own traditions, high valued handicraft and art creations such as woven cloth, interwoven by gold threads called "tapis".


Bandar Lampung

The capital of Lampung has several interesting places such as the Museum and the Monument of the Krakatau Eruption. Worth while seeing or doing is the weaving process of Tapis textile, art and dance performances or just sunbathing on the beach.

Museum of Lampung

Located at Teuku Umar Street, it can be reached within 15 minutes from the centre of Bandar Lampung. It contains ethnographic and archaeological collections, Chinese ceramics, traditional music instruments, ancient Tapis cloth and ornaments.

Way Kambas Reserve and Way Wako River

Way Kambas is a 2-hour drive from Bandar Lampung. 130,000 hectares of area on Lampung's East coast, Way Kambas is the best place to watch wild Sumatran elephants, tigers and many species of birds. Motorboats can be hired at Way Kanan for cruising around and up the river.

Way Kanan River

Here we can sail along Way Kanan and Way Kambas by canoe or boat to watch the surrounding flora and fauna while in the mouth of Way Kambas, it's good for fishing and swimming. In the morning, we can safari for 2 hours through the prepared track and listen to wild animals roaring and birds singing.

Elephant Training Centre

Way Kambas Elephant Training is an international project which is partly funded by the World Wildlife Fund. The aim of training them is to make the captured elephant be useful to mankind.

Most visitors come to Way Kambas to see the training centre and to have an opportunity to ride on an elephant.

Simple tourist facilities are available at Way Kanan such as lodges, wooden houses on poles, river boats and an observation centre. Way Kambas is accessible by car from Bandar Lampung. The activities and special interests are bird watching, jungle tracking, elephants safari, and river cruises.


An uninhabited island Krakatoa is located on the southern part of the Bay of Lampung. Krakatoa is reachable in three hours by boat from Canti, a fisherman village near Kalianda, South Lampung. This group of islands consists of four islands, one of them is called Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatoa) which has grown higher every year.

Anak Krakatau has emerged from the bottom of the sea between three other islands by early 1928 or 45 years after Krakatoa's 1883 formidable eruption.

Pugung Archaeologicai Site

Located in Pugung Raharjo village, 40 km. northeast of Bandar Lampung, is a site of megalithic and prehistoric relics as well as of the classical Hindu Buddhist period. There are primitive trenched fortresses which almost surround its site. Stone inscription, ancient Chinese porcelains, Polynesian statue and the statue of Bodhisatwa are at the museum, a house on poles located on the way to Pugung Raharjo.

Merak Belantung Beach

Located 40 km south of Bandar Lampung on the way to the seaport of Bekauheni. The beach is ideal for swimming and wind surfing. Cottages and equipment for wind surfing are available.

actually there are still a lot of nice place to visit in Lampung, there are some Cafe, like Waroeng Diggers, Boots Cafe, and Lapangan Saburai. this is the interesting to visit just to relax in lampung. when I was on high school I sometimes spend my time with my friends

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Hmm... why blog...???

Some people say that Blogs is so powerful as it has reforming information. BLOGS=Information Reformation. The news, stories, headlines, information you get through all these years are basically from media corporations who has their own idealism. Why blogs have change all these is simply because individuals nowadays got their chance to participate. just like me....

I hope this blog can give me a room to write anything that I want, post anything I like, share anything.......

Secarik Kata

I am originally from Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. Residing in Jakarta, Engineer has been my passion and profession. My journey as an engineer has taken me to one of public Banking in Indonesia. It guides me to see through changes, places and faces of technology. Through it all, I understand that life itself is full of surprises that neither reason, nor logic can comprehend. It certainly has been a journey filled with joy and turbulence. Welcome to my life.